
Building a strong, sustainable and inclusive club network

Find A Club

Use the ECB Find a Club tool to see what clubs are local to you and what they offer.


Clubmark is a national accreditation scheme which ensure that accredited clubs operate to consistent standards and provide safe and friendly environments for young people.

Clubs who have achieved Clubmark status can be found here.

Funding & Facilities

ECB County Grants Fund - Applications between £1,000 and £10,000, includes three project areas: Creating Welcoming Environments, Enhanced Playing Opportunities for Women & Girls & Disability Cricket and Tackling Climate Change. Speak to your Club Development Officer for more details.

ECB Club Funding Page – The ECB website details all of their funding opportunities, including the ECB Interest Free Loan Scheme, and also signposts to various resources to help clubs build and ensure a sustainable future.

Sport England Funding Page - Sport England funds hundreds of projects in grassroots sports every year.

Active Notts Funding Search - This tool is regularly updated to signpost clubs and organisations to potential external funding opportunities.

NCCC Facilities Strategy - Our facilities strategy details our current position with regards to playng & practice spaces in the county, and our priorities over the next 10 years to try to help grow the game.

Cricket Collective Awards

The Cricket Collective Awards are a national reward and recognition scheme to support grass roots cricket and the vast army of volunteers who ensure that cricket can be enjoyed by so many at all levels, with the overall aim of rewarding the contribution that these volunteers make to the game.

Each year we ask our clubs and organisations to nominate worthy volunteers for an award so that we can say 'thank you' to them for all of their hard work. Each club has also been gifted an NCCC Volunteer of the Year trophy, the recipient of which is automatically nominated for this national award scheme.

These awards provide an opportunity for you to nominate and recognise the volunteers who make cricket possible at your club.

View last year's winners here.

Useful Resources For Clubs

Roles Which Require a DBS 

ECB Play Cricket Helpdesk 

Safe Hands Management System Helpdesk 

Recreational Cricket Webinar - Engaging Audiences Through Winter

Useful Documents For Clubs

Anti-Discrimination Code

Club Development Plan Template

Model Club Constitution

Code of Conduct for Young People


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