This is an update to all clubs providing National Programmes in 2025, or any clubs looking to start All Stars or Dynamos for the first time. 

Key Dates

23rd February – The ECB have set this date for clubs to aim to have their programmes uploaded to Clubspark in anticipation for launch day and priority booking. So now is the time to start to uploading your programmes to Clubspark. This also gives clubs time to make adjustments before priority window if necessary.

Clubs can set up programmes after the 23rd February but risk missing out on sign-ups through national launches and priority windows.
5th – 12th March Priority Window – Those Clubs delivering again will have a priority window for returning participants to book on before the national launch. This will be advertised automatically through the ECB's database of returning participants.

13th March – National bookings launch for all programmes. This is open to returning and new participants.

8th May Onwards - Delivery of your eight-week programme can start at any time after this date.

Price Changes
The RRP prices for National Programmes has been altered by the ECB to £50. This is the first price rise since launch in 2017. Your club will now receive £15 per All Stars child and £25 per Dynamos child. 

You can alter this price by contacting the help desk but will likely received less kickback to the club. Alternatively you can increase the prices should you wish, and increase the kickback into your clubs.

Club Checklists

Club checklists must be completed for programmes to be active, including STRIPE accounts set up and confirmed. If you are awaiting confirmation that is done, contact Alex West on the details below. Clubs can begin setting up programmes without completed checklists, but these won’t go live without the checklists being completed.

Activator Checklists

In order for a session to be live and available for sign-ups, there must be an activator attached to that programme with a fully completed and confirmed checklist. Other activators can be used without full checklists but the programme won’t go live without at least one activator who is fully qualified.

Accounts with E-Learning have now merged with logins with Clubspark, making things easier. Some errors have been noted with the new system in which case the ECB help desk is always around to support. The ECB Clubspark helpdesk can be contacted at

Any adult supporting your national programmes should have a DBS, especially if they help for more than three weeks. For support with this, contact your Club Safeguarding Officer.

Activator Training

When clubs add activators to their Clubspark account, and they in turn create their personal activator account, they will get a checklist to work through.

Included in that checklist is the face-to-face training. When they click that section, they will be pulled through to a sign-up site with all of the nearest training events.

Nottinghamshire Courses:

2nd March 13:00-16:00 Worksop College
9th March 13:00-16:00 Trent Bridge
23rd March 13:00-16:00 Trent Bridge

Resource Hub and Online Store 

The ECB Resource Hub is key for all things social media, promoting and marketing your programmes.


All Stars and Dynamos equipment has returned for 2025. All participants will get their own kit bundles and new centre packs will be distributed to clubs as the ECB has new suppliers.

The Club shop has also returned and will be launching April 2025. From here, clubs can order spare kit, promotional banners and more. As with previous years, every sign up clubs get will result in money you can spend in the club shop to boost your provision. 

New Clubs

Any clubs looking to start national programmes for the first time, please get in touch with Alex West via the contact details below, or with your Club Development Officer and we can talk you through the process. New All Stars or Dynamos centres will not have access to the priority window for booking for returning participants.

We are in the process of developing a support document for any clubs who ran national programmes last year who had 15-30 sign ups. This will hopefully provide ideas on how we can work together to increase your sign-ups.

Alex West is our new Young People Officer, leading on National Programmes. He can be contacted via, or 07768 558132.