This year, we will begin inviting applications to join our General Committee will from the end of September 2024.

Below, current Nominations Panel member Chris Banks discusses the panel's role in helping to ensure the Committee contains the necessary skills, knowledge and experience.


The Nominations Panel at Nottinghamshire is responsible for attracting quality and diverse candidates to serve on the General Committee. It acts independently from the General Committee and I joined the panel last summer by filling the vacant slot for members.

There are two routes to joining the General Committee. Candidates can apply to participate in the annual election and be chosen by the members, or alternatively to be assessed and appointed by the Nominations Panel. It is possible for members to apply for both routes. Every year there are four vacancies to be filled from a combination of the elected and nominated routes.

It is vital that the club has a range of relevant skills and experience on the General Committee due to the breadth of its activities and its need to remain sustainable. The club is responsible for professional teams (with The Blaze to continue to be based at Trent Bridge, alongside Nottinghamshire’s men’s side, in the ECB’s new domestic structure for the women’s game) and the age-group pathways to professional cricket; maintaining Trent Bridge as a year-round venue; recreational cricket throughout the county; and the Trent Bridge Community Trust, which supports disadvantaged people in the county.

General Committee roles are unpaid non-executive positions offering guidance and support to the Executive Team. No one will have all the skills and knowledge we need to address all the activities the club is responsible for, but there are potentially lots of people in the local area who would be able to make a valuable contribution.

Knowledge or love of cricket is a benefit, but the essential ingredient is that committee members are passionate about Notts succeeding as an organisation in everything it does.

Suitable candidates could have experience in sectors such as sport/leisure, business, hospitality, finance, venue management, media/communications, voluntary/charitable organisations or the regulatory sector.

Relevant skills would include things such as leadership, business acumen, communication ability, analytical thinking, project management, decision making, organisational skills, financial acumen, teamworking, marketing/business development, stakeholder management.

These skills can have been gained through employment or in voluntary work for community or faith organisations, charities or sport/leisure groups.

Candidates will be interviewed by the Nominations Panel at the start of next year so that we can get a clear understanding of the skills and experience that they would bring to the General Committee.

More information about working on the General Committee, including video discussions with some of the current members, is available at  

We welcome applications from anyone with the willingness to devote time and expertise to helping the club succeed. Please consider if you can put yourself forward to join the General Committee next year.


Further information on how to apply for General Committee will be available at from the end of September.