Nottinghamshire Cricketers Will Jefferson and Ryan Sidebottom have added their backing to the NSPCC’s campaign to help answer every child’s cry for help.

The Child’s Voice Appeal aims to raise £50 million nationally over the next
three years to continue to run and grow its listening services - like that provided by
ChildLine in Nottingham - and also by its national helpline for adults with concerns 
about a child.

The Government is providing £30 million towards the development of the NSPCC helplines over the next four years. An additional £50 million raised by the public through the Child’s Voice Appeal is needed to continue running the existing services and get the development off the ground.

Jo Dale, NSPCC corporate fundraising manager, said: “Last year we were able to answer two thirds of calls to ChildLine and three quarters of calls to our adult helpline. With the help of the public we hope to support even more children and adults from Nottinghamshire.

“We would really like to hear from anyone who is keen to start a new fundraising group in the county or to organise a one off event. People can find out more by visiting or by calling freephone 0844 892 0562 for support with fundraising.”