To bring the club’s governance into line with the recommendations of the England & Wales Cricket Board and Sport England whist optimising the mix of skills, experience knowledge and diversity on the General Committee.

Summary of proposed changes

  • The General Committee of 12 would, at the conclusion of a transition period ending at the 2023 AGM, comprise eight people elected by the membership (currently all 12) and four appointed by a Nominations Panel.
  • The Nominations panel would comprise the Club Chair, one other serving member of the General Committee, two club members and one non-member. It would be responsible for ensuring an appropriate mix of skills, diversity and experience within the committee.
  • Each member of the General Committee would be allowed to serve a maximum of three three-year terms, with no age limit applied to candidates. Six years would be the maximum tenure as Chair.
  • 20 member signatures would be required to raise a motion at future Annual General Meetings, rising from one.