MINUTES OF THE 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 61 Item 11.1 should be amended to read: No alteration to or deletion from the Constitution and Rules shall be made except at an Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting of the club and where two-thirds or more of the votes cast by members of the club present and entitled to vote, or cast by members submitting valid voting forms in the event that a postal ballot is called by the General Committee under Rule 8.9, are in favour. Item 11.4 should be amended to read: A copy of the Constitution Rules and Regulations pursuant to Rule 6.8 (‘the Rules’) will be kept in the club’s Library for all members to inspect. Any member requesting in writing verbally or electronically a copy of the Rules will be sent a copy by email or first class post to their address held by the club in its Register of Members and Officers. Numerous questions were raised by members. Mr J A Evans referred to correspond- ence he had exchanged with the Chairman in regard to the 70 year rule. He hoped that the amendment to 11.4 (which he had originally proposed) regarding the request for emailing or posting copies of the Constitution if applied for, would be carried forward, rather than having to visit the club’s Library to take notes. He was only disappointed that these amendments had not been proposed to the membership sooner. Mr Evans also questioned why members who did not physically attend AGMs or EGMs should be given the opportunity of voting? The Chairman stressed that in proposing changes to the constitu- tion the General Committee had no agenda. It was important to ensure that the governance of Notting- hamshire County Cricket Club met high modern standards.The Sport England code set out the required levels of transparency, accountability and financial integrity and were considered to be among the most advanced in the world. Every member had a voting right – not just the members present at Annual General Meetings. Mr Moore, one of the General Committee members who had been tasked with reviewing the Constitution, pointed out that this change would make it easier for the committee to have meaningful con- sultations with the membership – to go through the process of talking to all 7,000 supporters, not just the few hundred who were able to attend AGMs.There was certainly no con- spiracy theory. This point was taken up by Ms P Huggard who commented that not everyone could make it to Annual General Meetings in the evening. There were many challenges in changing the Constitution but it was important that the club com- plied with the code of governance. She welcomed the consultations to be held during the season. Mr Evans expressed the view that the membership should be informed of the final votes for each candidate nominated for the General Com- mittee. Mr D J Beaumont asked for clarifi- cation on clause 8.9 in the Consti- tution and Rules which referred to the process by which the General Committee could institute a postal ballot. He asked what the difference was between that and the new proposal? The Chairman read out clause 8.9 to the members and confirmed this clause had not been changed. It was referred to in the amendment to clause 8.7 to ensure that the two clauses were cross referenced. Mr I Anderson was concerned as to the future of international cricket and the possible impact on the club’s on-going viability. He gave examples from other sports over the preceding 20 years, including finance and other management issues which had nega- tively impacted some clubs. Mr Tennant reassured him that the club was aware of the potential future risks and the reason the club was considering the proposed gov- ernance changes in great depth was to ensure it was fully aware of all the ramifications. Mr R Day stressed the need for trust between the membership and committee which the Chairman agreed with. After a lengthy debate and as a point of order, Canon A Haydock suggested that the proposition should now be put to the meeting. It was proposed by Mr RW Tennant, seconded by Mr PWynne- Thomas and, with a show of hands, the amendments to the Constitu- tion and Rules were approved. 9. ELECTION OF FIVE MEMBERS TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE The Chief Executive reported that with the sad death of Mr Ray Dawson and the receipt of eight nominations for membership to the General Committee, a ballot had taken place resulting in the election of Ms Diana Peasey, along with the three standing members.Therefore, the elected members for the follow- ing term of office were as follows: Ms Kate Davies, CBE, Mr Paul Ellis, Mr John Gillott, Mr Peter Hacker and Ms Diana Peasey. The Chairman offered his congrat- ulations to all those elected. 10. TO APPOINT A PRESIDENT FOR 2019 On the recommendation of the General Committee, Mr Tennant proposed Bill Taylor as President for the coming year, informing members that Mr Taylor would retain this office in what was the 150th year since the first President of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club had been elected. MrTaylor thanked the Chairman and his colleagues on the Committee for their vote of confidence in elect- ing him for a further year, stating that he had enjoyed 2018 enormously and he looked forward to the forth-
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