NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2019 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 50 Restaurant ‘Six’ was about to take place, and everyone was excited to see it in operation and, of course, to taste the food! The support and input of inter- nationally-renowned chef,Tom Sellers, represented what the club believed to be a winning formula, not only as a restaurant, but as a place where it could assist the next generation of stars of the hospitality world to develop through the part- nership with the Princes’Trust. In terms of the club’s future, the Pavilion,William Clarke Stand and the Lady Bay facilities were all on its radar. However, even with the knowledge of Trent Bridge’s major games through to 2024, the ability to do everything would be limited – making it so important that where possible, all future plans added an incremental revenue stream that would help finance the next project. The club’s involvement in the com- munity had grown and grown. Mr Tennant was reminded of this when he attended the end of year celebration of the Positive Futures programme, which assisted young people at risk of social exclusion. The programme had been so successful in influencing positive outcomes for those who might oth- erwise have made bad choices. All the staff involved deserved congratulations for their dedica- tion and efforts, which offered real life-changing support to young people. Another aspect of the Community Trust was Heritage – where Heritage Officer Steve LeMottee and his team of volunteers arranged for the installation of aWorldWar One memorial at Trent Bridge.They had also tracked down family members of six cricketers who had fallen dur- ing the GreatWar, and invited them to attend the unveiling during the match versusYorkshire.This had provided an emotional and fitting tribute to those former players. The cataloguing and recording of all the club’s memorabilia was another important job which was ongoing with the support of students from NottinghamTrent University. Ensuring that the club’s collection was properly secure and stored for future generations was vital work and, again, Mr Tennant thanked all those involved. As members would be aware from his letter regarding the Governance review, the Chairman stated that during the season the club would be outlining the proposed changes and consulting with members to ensure that any prospective changes were fully understood and that there was sufficient opportunity for questions to be raised and answers given before a vote was taken. Something so important to the running of the club would not be embarked upon lightly – and he realised that the members had not as yet had sight of any proposals other than those being put to the members that evening. He assured members that this would be rectified during the season and would explain the reasons for the three suggested amendments later on in the meeting. In conclusion, Mr Tennant wanted to place on record the sadness felt by everyone at the club when the Treasurer and valued Committee member and colleague, Ray Dawson, passed away so suddenly in April. He had made a tremendous con- tribution to the club over the years and there were very few games at Trent Bridge where he wasn’t to be seen cheering on Notts. To finish, he thanked his colleagues on the General Committee for their support and contributions during the year. In particular, he thanked Vice-Chairman Stuart Foster and President Bill Taylor, whose advice and help was much appreciated. His thanks, as ever, went to Lisa Pursehouse and her executive team who continued to do a fantastic job. 2018 had been a particularly demanding year for everyone – not least because of the many changes and projects that had been neces- sary for the game to build its new strategy. Thanks also to the players and coaching team and all the staff and volunteers for the way in which they had successfully conducted the affairs of the club. Finally, Mr Tennant thanked the members for their support of the club throughout the season, looking forward with hope for a successful year, both on and off the field. It was proposed by Mr J A Gillott, seconded by Cllr Mrs C Jeffreys and unanimously approved by those present that the Chairman’s Report be adopted. 5. ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ClubTreasurer, Mr P J Ellis, directed members to the accounts of the club for the year ended 30 September 2018, which were set out on pages 32 to 46 of the Annual Report, as well as his written report on pages 30 and 31. One part of the accounts was the Independent Auditor’s Report on pages 33 and 34.This showed that the Auditors had stated that in their opinion the financial statements: • Gave a true and fair view of the state of the club’s affairs at 30 September 2018 and of its surplus for the year then ended; • Had been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom General Accepted Accounting Practice; • And had been prepared in ac- cordance with the requirements of the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014. Mr Ellis then addressed some key areas. Income Movements – Cricket income had increased by 37%, up from £4.46 million in 2017 to £6.13 million in 2018.This was because Trent Bridge hosted an
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