NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2019 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 48 M I NU T E S O F T H E ANNUAL GENERAL MEET ING Held in the Assembly Hall, County Hall, onTuesday 26 February 2019 Present: Mr RWTennant (Chairman), Members of the General Committee, Ms L J Pursehouse (Chief Executive), Members of Staff and 232 Members. At the commencement of the meeting, MrWTaylor, President of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, asked those members present to stand for a minute’s silence in memory of Miss A E Abraham, Mr T Bailey, Rev’d J Banks, Mr H Barlow, Mr C S Bates, Mrs G Bolus, MrW N F Boughey, MrW Braybrook, Mr K Breakwell, Mr EW Carrington, Mr P Chapman, Mr R S Chatfield, Mrs P Chatterton, Mr A E Coope, Mr M Daws, Mr R A Dawson, Mr T Derbyshire, Mr A Denny, Mr N Dobbs, Mr N E Doughty, Mr A Duggan, Mr D F Field, Mr C Forde, Mr C RW Grant, Mr J Grant, Mr J E Hand, Mr C M Hawley, Mr R Hawthorne, Mr B Hayes, Mr AT Hickman, Mr E A Hill, Mr D G Hopper, Mr D Huckerby, Mr I Hunt, Mr P Iliffe, Mr G Jackson, Miss D M Johnson, Mr R Killick, Mr R Lane, MrW G Lane, Mr T Lawless, Mrs J Linke, Mr M P Malley, Mr C E Marshall, Mr R B Martin, Mr M Moroney, Mr T J Morris, Mrs M E Murphy, Mrs B Murphy, Mr B Notley, Mrs L Palethorpe, Mr C Pomfret, Mr AV Pope, Mr B P Randle, MrT Ridley-Thompson, Mrs K Rush, Mr R Sharpe, Mr D E F Silverwood, Mrs T M Simpson, Mr H Sinclair, Mr EW Smith, Mr CTideswell, Mr STindale, Mrs MTipping, Mrs H Usherwood, Mrs SVamplew, Mr R SWaite, Mrs JWells, Mr C Wheater, Mr A DWheatley. The President welcomed to the meeting the Members of the club, including Honorary Vice-President Cllr Sue Saddington (Chair of Nottinghamshire County Council), Mr Barry Saddington, Cllr Christine Jeffreys (Deputy Mayor of Rush- cliffe Borough Council), Mr Paul Johnson and Mr Chris Read. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Liaqat Ali, Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Mr D J Bicknell, Mr J B Bolus, Mr and Mrs N D Bratton, Mr B C Broad,The Rt Hon K H Clarke, QC, MP, CH, Mr and Mrs S E Foster, Mr CW Gillott, Mr E E Hemmings, Mr M Hammond, Mr T I Hepburn, Mr R M Morris, Mr C O’Brien, Mr RT Robinson, Mr B Robson, Mr HW Russell, Mr R Stanbridge, Mr T Stanbridge, Mr K GWedgwood Litting and Mrs J MWheelhouse. 2. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2018 These were accepted as a true and accurate record on the proposition of Mr P GWright, seconded by Ms K A Davies, CBE. 3. MATTERS ARISING A. Head Groundsman Following Mr D J Beaumont’s question at the previous AGM as to whether the Committee had given any consideration to award- ing a Testimonial year for Head Groundsman, Steve Birks, the Chief Executive replied that Steve had been approached and was thankful for the consideration but declined the offer. He was of the view that the work required to derive any benefit would be too onerous. 4. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Mr Tennant reminded members that in his written report he had stated that following Nottingham- shire was not for the faint-hearted and – having had a couple of months to reflect – he said he had no intention of revising that view. The team had had an excellent start to the season in 2018 and actually topped the County Championship table for several weeks. However, they did not finish the season well. And, although it was acknowledged that the team was in transition, having lost so many senior players – it was disappointing. Nevertheless, survive in the First Division they did – and that was what was important as Nottingham- shire headed into a new season. Reaching the quarter-finals of both white ball competitions – but pro- gressing no further – was another reminder that clubs go through a cycle of ups and downs – and that sometimes a few new faces are required to take a club forward. Significant signings were made during and after the end of the year,

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