47 FINANCIAL REPORT 23. COMMITMENTS UNDER OPERATING LEASES At 30 September 2019 the Company had future minimum lease payments under non cancellable operating leases as follows: 2019 2018 £ £ Not later than one year 6,105 20,285 Later than one year and not later than five years - 6,105 6,105 26,390 24. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS During the year the club made purchases of £14,237 (2018: £nil) from a company which a General Committee Member is a director of. As at 30 September 2019 the club owed £163 (2018: £nil) to this company.The club also made sales of £24,000 (2018: £30,000) to this company. As at 30 September 2019 the club was due an amount of £6,000 (2018: £12,000) from this company. During the year the club made sales of £1,906 (2018: £4,254) to a company which a General Committee Member is a director of. As at 30 September 2019 the club was due an amount of £59 (2018: £3,124) from this company. Key management personnel remuneration in the year totalled £472,553 (2018: £441,717) for short term employment benefits and £39,022 (2018: £36,104) for post employment benefits.

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