G R E A T R E C E P T I O N W E D D I N G P A C K A G E 2 0 2 5 WITH SIMPLY SPLENDID SURROUNDINGS AND A HEARTY WELCOME SOME 150 YEARS IN THE MAKING, YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF A WONDROUS WEDDING DAY AT TRENT BRIDGE. OUR ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE SHOWCASES OUR VENERABLE VENUE AT ITS VERY BEST, ALLOWING YOU TO SAVOUR THE MOST SPECIAL OF CELEBRATIONS. Reception drink – choose from Prosecco, Bucks Fizz or Pimm’s A three-course wedding breakfast for 60 guests - plus a full menu tasting for you both prior to confirming your chosen menu Half a bottle of house wine served with the wedding breakfast Glass of Prosecco for the toast Evening finger buffet for 60 guests Dedicated wedding co-ordinator to help plan your day Chair covers & sash - available in a range of colours White table cloths & napkins Top table flower arrangement Personalised Trent Bridge menu cards Cake stand & knife Have your photos taken on the outfield of our beautiful world-famous ground Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club membership for you and your partner for the year of your wedding Additional drinks packages are available on request OUR PACKAGE I S BASED ON 60 GUESTS . WE CAN WELCOME MANY MORE SO PLEASE DO CONTACT US SHOULD YOU WI SH TO PURCHASE MORE P IMM’ S , WINE OR DEL I C I OUS MEALS . OUR PACKAGE PR I CE : £6 , 050
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