T O H I RE ROOMS FOR BO TH YOUR CEREMONY AND WEDD I NG BRE AK FA S T AT T RENT BR I DGE , C O S T S FROM £ 9 9 5 AND ADD I T I ONA L ROOMS C AN BE ADDED AT A SPEC I A L R AT E . K I ND LY NO T E THAT TH I S DOE S NO T I NC L UDE THE REG I S T R A R F EE OR C O S T OF ANY C AT ER I NG . I F YOU CHOO SE T O HO L D YOUR CEREMONY E L SEWHERE , THEN THE C O S T T O H I RE A ROOM AT T RENT BR I DGE FOR J US T YOUR WEDD I NG BRE AK FA S T AND E V EN I NG RECEP T I ON W I L L BE FROM £ 5 9 5 . I F YOU S I MP LY REQU I RE A SP L END I D ROOM FOR J US T YOUR E V EN I NG RECEP T I ON THEN P L E A SE C ONTAC T US AND WE ’ L L G L AD LY A S S I S T. S OME V ENUE S PRE SENT YOU W I TH A C ONF US I NG L I S T OF OP T I ONS FOR YOUR WEDD I NG OR C I V I L CEREMONY. C A L L US O L D - FA SH I ONED, BU T WE L I KE T O KEEP I T S I MP L E . YOUR C I V I L CEREMONY OR WEDD I NG BRE AK FA S T W I L L I NC L UDE TH I S L I S T OF L OV E LY TH I NGS . C I V I L CEREMONY Our civil ceremony package includes: • A dedicated wedding co-ordinator to help plan your ceremony • Your choice of room*; The Long Room Derek Randall Suite The Boundary’s Edge Restaurant Six • Flower arrangement for the registrar’s table • Access to our beautiful outfield for your photographs • Complimentary glass of sparkling wine for the happy couple • Complimentary Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club membership for you and your partner for the year of your wedding WEDD I NG BREAKFAST Our wedding breakfast package includes: • A dedicated wedding co-ordinator to help plan your day. • Your choice of room*; Derek Randall Suite The Boundary’s Edge Restaurant Six • White table cloths and napkins • Use of our cake stand and knife • PersonalisedTrent Bridge menu cards • Complimentary Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club membership for you and your partner for the year of your wedding • Have your photos taken on the outfield of our beautiful world famous ground *Pavilion re-development beginning 2025 may impact room availability. Please enquire for more informaion.
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