6 NOT TI NGHAM S H I R E COUNT Y CR I CK E T C LUB The Rushcliffe and Nottingham City Positive Futures programmes have supported 100 young people, including the training of nine peer mentors and 26 young volunteers.Those individuals have supported various community projects, including Cotgrave Christmas Grotto, the Himmah Foodbank, Cotgrave Community Garden and the Tithby Road Bridge Graffiti project. The Rushcliffe Positive Futures programme is a flagship project that has been supported and funded by Rushcliffe Borough Council for many years, and it continues to impact positively on the lives of young people across the borough. In 2023, 38 young people (29 male, 9 female) at risk of permanent exclusion, diagnosed with Special Educational Needs or displaying aggressive behaviour, were supported through one- to-one mentoring and intervention activities outside of school. In total, five secondary schools within the borough have been involved. As part of this intervention, our Trust Mentors have attended 32 Multi Professional Meetings such as Looked after Children reviews, Children in Need meetings and child protection conferences.These meetings and events have provided young people with the support they need to recognise their emotions and learn how to deal with conflict management. 54.17% of the young people supported through referrals this year were aged 14 / 15 years. 29.17% of them were classified as having Special Educational Needs or a disability, with 4.17% still awaiting official diagnosis. 25% had displayed aggressive behaviour. In addition to the mentoring offer, the Trust team trained nine peer mentors from Rushcliffe School, each of whom gained their Leaders inTraining peer mentoring qualification.These mentors went on to support a number of half-term sessions, and the Trust’s hugely successful #Donate4Dementia Zipwire fund- raising event at Trent Bridge. Elsewhere, the project delivered 10 community-based projects, comprising Cotgrave Christmas Grotto and Light Switch On, Himmah Foodbank, Cotgrave Community Garden, Friday Food & Care Boxes, the SN Aid Careers and Aspiration Day, Cotgrave Country ParkTask Day,Tithby Road Graffiti Project and DJ support at the RadFest. 14 educational workshops helped 59 young people to complete 119 ASDAN Accreditations in the following areas: cooking, gardening, coaching & officiating, PSHE choices & consequences, and sport & fitness. A bespoke Rushcliffe Citizenship Scheme engaged nine young people over a four-week summer programme culminating in a summer residential. Keyworth and Crossdale Primary Schools were provided with 3VIP sports sessions in gymnastics, with 17 children accessing the activities.These were delivered by Sam Oldham (Olympic Bronze Medallist). Seven Healthy Hearts workshops were delivered in four schools across the borough, with 186 children engaged in the sessions. TAKE A LOOK AT THE CASE STUDI ES BELOW TO SEE THE IMPACT THE PROGRAMME HAS HAD: CASE STUDY 1 CASE STUDY 2 CASE STUDY 3 positive futures Rushcliffe

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