14 NOT TI NGHAM S H I R E COUNT Y CR I CK E T C LUB healthy hearts and trent bridge classroom Our Healthy Hearts programme provides primary- aged children with a six-week programme that introduces them to a ‘Healthy Heart’. Through one-hour weekly sessions,Year 5 and 6 pupils are supported by ourTrust team to learn the nuts and bolts of a healthy lifestyle.We show them what makes the most important organ in the body tick, and how to look after it into adulthood. After six weeks, each child’s activity book will be full of facts on how the heart works, and they’ll be armed with a host of tips for keeping it in fine fettle through exercise and a balanced diet.They’ll also have learned the basics of first aid, and used up plenty of energy during weekly practical activities. In 2023, 12 schools engaged with the programme with over 540 children completing their six-week programme. “I’VE LEARNED SO MANY THINGS FROM THIS PROGRAMME THAT I WILL TAKE AWAY AND USE. IT GOT ME ACTIVE, GAVE ME SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE AND HAS GENERALLY MADE ME A HAPPIER PERSON.” Pupil The Trent Bridge Classroom provides primary schools with the opportunity to bring children toTrent Bridge to bring learning to life through cricket. A day at Trent Bridge sees English, Maths, History and Geography transformed by the power of cricket.There is also the chance for pupils to enjoy the game with bat and ball too, through sessions delivered by qualified teacher and Level 2 Cricket Coach, Graeme Briggs. In 2023, there were 30Trent Bridge classroom sessions delivered to 16 schools (including Ashfield x 2, Basset- law x 1, Broxtowe x 1, City x 1, Mansfield x 4, Newark x 3 and Rushcliffe x 4), with a total of 798Year 5 and 6 pupils attending from across the county “THANK YOU FOR A SUPERB DAY AT TRENT BRIDGE, I LIKED THE VIEW OF THE CRICKET GROUND AND I LIKED DOING THE MATHS.” Pupil “THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE GREAT OPPORTUNITY OF LEARNING ABOUT CRICKET AND THE HISTORY OF CRICKET. I DID LOADS OF AMAZING THINGS.” Pupil • 28 SCHOOLS ENGAGED ACROSS BOTH PROGRAMMES • PROGRAMMES WERE DEL I VERED IN 7 DI STR ICTS / BOROUGHS ACROSS THE COUNTY. • OVER 1300 CHI LDREN TOOK PART IN E I THER A HEALTHY HEARTS OR TRENT BR IDGE CLASSROOM SESS ION.

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