Mens high performance review report

Sustained success can only be achieved if there is focus and alignment throughout the sport behind a culture of high performance. Any team without this can have its successful moments but will never be able to hold a position at the top. We have identified two principles that underpin the ability to create focus and alignment, based on what has driven success in other sports. These are: · Extraordinary executive leadership · Understanding and implementing what it takes to win Within this area we have set out five key recommendations. 1. Create accountability for men’s high performance 2. Improve our shared understanding of ‘What it Takes to Win’ (WITTW) 3. Foster a high-performance community 4. Develop diverse skills in performance leadership roles 5. Reward performance impact SEPTEMBER 2022 FOCUS AND ALIGNMENT ON HIGH PERFORMANCE ACROSS THE GAME OUR PROPOSED ACTIONS • The introduction of a High Performance Non-Executive Director (NED) role on the ECB Board • The Performance Cricket Committee (PCC) to be re-purposed with a single strategic focus on enabling successful England teams and delivery of this plan • The creation of an expert panel from outside of cricket - ‘Performance Advisory Group’ (PAG) - to support and advise the PCC OUR RATIONALE For any area of a business to be successful, it is important for the organisation’s leadership to have strong expertise, defined accountability, targeted focus and clear decision-making processes. However, at present there is no full ECB Board Member with accountability for high performance and the ECB Performance Cricket Committee currently has a wide remit, diluting its focus. As a result, there is not enough long-term focus given to maintaining an aligned high-performance system that would be capable of supporting our ambition. Defining a clear role for a High Performance NED, narrowing the focus of the Performance Cricket Committee and using external experts to challenge and advance ECB’s thinking will help embed the required accountability and focus at the ECB. RECOMMENDATION: 1 CREATE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR MEN’S HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF MEN’S CRICKET IN ENGLAND AND WALES 11

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