7 2023 AGM AGENDA ANNUA L G E N E R A L M E E T I NG 2 0 2 3 MONDAY 2 7 F E B RUA RY D E R E K R ANDA L L S U I T E , T R E N T B R I DG E MEET ING AGENDA 1. To receive apologies for absence 2. To approve the minutes of the previous AGM held on Monday 28 February 2022 3. To approve the minutes of the EGM held onTuesday 1 November 2022 4. Matters arising 5. To receive the Chairman’s Report 6. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 2022 7. To receive the Cricket Report for the 2022 season 8. Strategic update from the Chief Executive 9. To propose amendments to the constitution 10. To confirm the three members elected to the General Committee 11. To confirm the one nominated member appointed to the General Committee 12. To appoint a President for 2023 13. To appoint twoVice Presidents 14. To appoint auditors to the club 15. Any other business

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