NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2022 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 50 M I NU T E S O F T H E ANNUAL GENERAL MEET ING Held in the Derek Randall Suite and online via video conference on Monday 28 February 2022 Present: Mr J P Moore (Chairman), Members of the General Committee, Ms L J Pursehouse MBE (Chief Executive), Members of Staff, 131 Members via video conference and 68 Members present in the Derek Randall Suite. The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the members of the club, including HonoraryVice-President Cllr Sue Mallender (Mayor of Rushcliffe Borough Council). At the start of the meeting, Ms L J Pursehouse, Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, asked for a minute’s silence in memory of those members who had sadly passed away during the year: Mr J Attewell, Mr D.W Baker, Mr D Berry, Mr J Brindle, Mr G K Campe, Mr R Carney, Mr M Cox, Mr E G Ellis, Miss B Gibson, Mr J Glenn, Mr MD C Groome, Mr B Headlong, Mr J Hollingsworth, Mr A Hopkins, Mr M Langham, Miss R McGarva, Mr D Moore, Mr B Newton, Mr M Page, Mr B Parker, Mr R Perry, Mr M Plackett, Mr N Reeson, Mr A Richards Mr G Richardson, Mrs S Richardson, Mr C Rothwell, Mrs L Shaw, Mrs J Sheriston, Mr A Shillingford, Mr C Slater, Mr J Smeeton, MrsW Spencer, Mr D Sutherland, Mr PWynne-Thomas. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Rt Hon. the Lord Clarke of Nottingham, Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Cllr DavidTrimble, Cllr Mike Quigley MBE, Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council, Mr J Arden, Mrs J Arden, Ms E Bakewell, Mr N Bratton, Mrs J Bratton, Mr J Chambers, Mr B Hassan, Mr P Johnson, Mr C MW Read, Mr T Robinson. 2. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2021 These were accepted as a true and accurate record on the proposition of Mr M Missett, seconded by Ms Diana Peasey. The Chairman explained that, where possible during the 2022 meeting, proposers and seconders would be taken from within the room (if not, via Zoom using raised hand functionality).Votes within the room would be combined with votes via Zoom using the polling function which would appear as a pop-up window on the user’s screen. Questions would be taken from those members in the room during the meeting and from those on Zoom using agm@nottsccc.co.uk . Members joining via Zoom had been asked if they wished to submit questions in advance and these would be put to the panel during the relevant item. 3. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising. 4. TO RECEIVE THE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman welcomed members to the Annual General Meeting. He knew sometimes AGMs could be seen as something of an ordeal, not least for those being questioned and making presentations. But that was not the case this evening when all should see tonight’s meeting as a celebration. A celebration that: the pandemic was on the wane and all could get together, a celebration that the club had survived the financial challenges faced, a cele- bration of the successful staging of two major international matches and most definitely a celebration of the much-improved performances on the field of play. Given the unbridled spread of the virus and what happened to other clubs, Mr Moore stated that it was quite incredible that the club had been able to fulfil a full season of fixtures.The club had taken considerable precautions to achieve that goal and he acknowledged that this had resulted in members’ enjoyment being significantly impaired at times. Mr Moore wanted to put on record his thanks to all members for their patience and understanding when their normal facilities were inaccessible. The club had returned a very healthy surplus, which theTreasurer would talk about in his presentation. However, the member donations that had taken place the previous year, and the impact this had on the club’s finances, should not be forgotten. Mr Moore thanked them, once again, for their generosity. He also wished to thank the club’s commercial partners for their loyalty throughout the pandemic.

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