5 CLUB HONOURS & CLUB OFFICIALS CLUB OFF ICIALS & E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R S PRESIDENT S B Hassan HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS The Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe The Lord Mayor of Nottingham The Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council VICE-PRESIDENTS E Bakewell MBE / B C Broad The Rt Hon. the Lord Clarke of Nottingham CH QC / J R Cope S E Foster / B N French Sir Richard Hadlee / S B Hassan E E Hemmings / P Johnson Prof. N R Puri CBE D W Randall / C M W Read R T Robinson / H W Russell M J Smedley / Sir Garfield Sobers W Taylor / R W Tennant COMMITTEE J PMoore (Chairman) – Retires 2023 R J Stevenson (Vice-Chairman) – Retires 2024 Ravi Badge – Retires 2024 K A Davies CBE – Retires 2025 P J Ellis – Retires 2025 P J Ford-Murphy – Retires 2023 P J Hacker – Retires 2025 P A Huggard - Retires 2023 A J Hunt – Retires 2024 D M Peasey – Retires 2024 S Storey – Retires 2025 P G Wright – Retires 2023 CHIEF EXECUTIVE L J Pursehouse MBE DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE T L Eatherington DIRECTOR OF CRICKET M Newell HEAD COACH P Moores CAPTAIN S J Mullaney COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR M ATemple HEAD GROUNDSMAN S R Birks

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