39 FINANCIAL REPORT BALANCE SHEET A S AT 3 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 The notes on pages 42 to 49 form part of these financial statements. Note 2022 2021 £ £ £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets 8 21,572,444 22,134,880 Investments 9 - - 21,572,444 22,134,880 Current Assets Stocks 10 173,394 105,108 Debtors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 11 5,000 5,500 Debtors: Amounts falling due within one year 11 1,748,477 1,932,998 Cash at bank and in hand 12 3,082,046 5,917,198 5,008,917 7,960,804 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 13 (5,194,609) (6,985,179) Net current (liabilities) / assets (185,692) 975,625 Total assets less current liabilities 21,386,752 23,110,505 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 14 (13,889,039) (16,312,351) Provisions for liabilities Deferred tax 17 (770,740) (760,819) Net assets 6,726,973 6,037,335 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 18 289 274 Profit and loss account 6,726,684 6,037,061 6,726,973 6,037,335 The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the General Committee and were signed on its behalf on 15 December 2022. J P Moore P J Ellis Chairman Treasurer

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