NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2021 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 50 continued throughout the year. One aspect of their work was recording the ongoing impact of the pandemic on cricket and its com- munities – something Mr Tennant hoped would have a happy ending for all in the not-too-distant future. After a short period of regrouping which included adapting to online methods of delivering their pro- grammes, the work of the Trent Bridge Community Trust had continued during the pandemic. All at the club were delighted when Rushcliffe Borough Council award- ed funding for the Trust’s projects to be delivered for a further four years. This support demonstrated both the success of the initiatives and that they had provided valued tan- gible benefit to the local community during a time of significant need. Following on from the changes to the governance of the club that were ratified at the 2020 AGM, the newly- formed Nominations Panel had commenced its vitally important duties during the course of last year. The role of the panel was to ensure an appropriate balance of skills, experience and diversity on the club’s General Committee. Mr Tennant explained that his committee colleague Kate Davies – together with Stephen Lehane, Mike McNamara and Abby Brennan – made up the panel alongside himself. Mr Tennant would announce under Item 9 on the meeting agenda the two Nominated Members who had been recommended and approved to join the General Committee. The Nominations Panel’s role also encompassed overseeing and improving the election process on an ongoing basis, as well as identify- ing individuals who may have been able to assist the club in other ways. He thanked each of the individuals for bringing their time, skills, experience and enthusiasm for the benefit of the club. Mr Tennant explained that the current AGM was his last duty as Club Chair as he was stepping down after five years in the role. He had been a member of the General Committee for 21 years, which was 21 more than would have been the case were it not for Peter Wright, his predecessor as Chair- man, who convinced him that it was a good idea to stand. He considered himself very lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to contribute to the running of such a great club and was particularly grateful for the honour of having been Chairman. In standing down, Mr Tennant said that he would like to thank a few individuals. His thanks went to his Vice-Chair- man, Jeff Moore. He had valued Jeff’s excellent counsel over the various issues they had faced in recent times and was sure Jeff would not miss the many phone calls they had exchanged over the last year. Mr Tennant also wished to thank PeterWright, whose contribution over the years to the club, as well as to recreational cricket and to the game as a whole in the many roles he had undertaken, had been outstanding. He also thanked all the members of the General Committee for their support and work on behalf of the club in what had been a very challenging year – and passed on his thanks and best wishes to Basher Hassan who, as presidencies go, had experienced a unique year. Whilst not being able to perform his role as he and the club would have liked, Mr Hassan had always taken the time to offer his help and opinions whenever he felt he had something to add. During his time on the General Committee, Mr Tennant had worked with three outstanding Chief Executives: David Collier, Derek Brewer and Lisa Pursehouse. Whilst Chairman, and this year in particular, Mr Tennant had seen Ms Pursehouse lead her executive team superbly, doing an exceptional job in the most difficult of circum- stances. He went on to say that Ms Purse- house was highly regarded within the game as a whole and had rep- resented the First-Class counties on a number of important national projects; for example, her current role as one of four Chief Executives on the Professional Game Group, which made recommendations to the main ECB Board. This kind of county representation was hugely beneficial to the club and the wider game and he wanted to thank Ms Pursehouse for all the support she had given to him over the years. MrTennant stated that the senior team of Tim Eatherington, Mick Newell and Michael Temple, together with all the wonderful staff at Trent Bridge, helped to make the club the success that it was – stating his belief that the club is blessed with great people who deserve thanks. He referred to the regularity of positive comments about the cheer- ful and welcoming demeanour of the club’s stewards, stating that they had set the tone for members and spectators and the reason no one did it better was because their love of the club was genuine. Unfortunately, there had been no opportunity to experience their friendliness in 2020, but their time would come again. Mr Tennant also wished to thank Lynda Miles, who had been the go-to person for administrative matters for members of the General Committee for many years. Finally, MrTennant wished to thank the members for the great passion they consistently showed for the club. He had received letters and kind words from many members and that – as well as the alternative opinions that had, at times, been expressed – they had always been greatly appreciated. MrTennant stated his belief that,
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