NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2020 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 58 9. ELECTION OF FOUR MEMBERS TO THE GENERAL COMMITTEE The Chief Executive reported that the elected members for the following term of office were as follows: PeterWright, Jeffrey Moore, Paul Ford-Murphy and Penelope Huggard. The Chairman offered his congratu- lations to all those elected. 10. TO APPOINT A PRESIDENT FOR 2020 Outgoing President, Bill Taylor, said it had been an honour and a pleasure to serve the club as President for the past two years. On the recommendation of the General Committee, MrTennant proposed Basher Hassan as President for the coming year.The proposal was unanimously approved by those present. Mr Hassan stated that it was a great honour to be elected President of a wonderful club, with which he had been associated for 54 years. He thanked the outgoing President, the General Committee, the Chairman and the club’s members for their support. 11. TO APPOINT TWO VICE- PRESIDENTS The Chairman was delighted to announce the General Committee’s recommendation to appoint two newVice-Presidents for 2020. Retiring President Bill Taylor was bestowed a Vice-Presidency in recognition of his service to the club as a player, committee member and President. MrTaylor, a fast-bowler in his playing career, represented Nottinghamshire in First-Class cricket on 95 occasions between 1971 and 1977. After retirement, he pursued a career in business, was elected to the General Committee in 2010 and named President in 2018. Stuart Foster’s long-standing role on the General Committee was also recognised with a Vice-Presidency. He had served the club for 30 years and had been a leading contributor on a number of sub-committees, including as Chairman of Cricket. Each of the Vice-Presidencies were approved by the members in attendance. 12. TO APPOINT AN HONORARY LIFE MEMBER Peter Johnson was made an Honorary Life Member of the club in recognition of his service to the recreational game. Mr P GWright paid tribute to the ongoing efforts of Mr Johnson to champion recreational cricket in Nottinghamshire. Mr D Allcock and MrV Loborski echoed MrWright’s comments. 13. TO APPOINT AUDITORS FOR THE CLUB The appointment of Smith Cooper as the auditors for 2020 was formally proposed by ClubTreasurer Mr P J Ellis, seconded by Cllr Mrs C Jeffreys and unanimously approved by those present. 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Mr Large asked what would happen if Notts Outlaws progressed to the quarter-finals of the Vitality Blast given the scheduling of the Trent Bridge Test Match. Ms Pursehouse confirmed that no contingency was in place at this stage, but options were being explored as any home quarter-final could not be held at Trent Bridge. As there was no further business in the published agenda, the Chairman thanked the members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.57pm.
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