MINUTES OF THE 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 57 Each member of the General Committee would be allowed to serve a maximum of three three-year terms, with no age limit applied to candidates. Six years would be the maximum tenure as Chair. 20 member signatures would be required to raise a motion at future Annual General Meetings, rising from one. MrTennant thanked his General Committee colleagues, Kate Davies and Jeff Moore, for their contribution to the project which had been two years in the making, and acknowl- edged the additional support provided by the ECB’s Derek Brewer and club member Penny Huggard. MrTennant reported that 74% of votes had been cast in favour, that this exceeded the two thirds majority required and that the governance changes had, therefore, been passed. Mr Measures addressed the meeting and claimed that the club had acted unlawfully by refusing his candidacy for the general committee on age grounds. He further challenged why the resolutions proposed by Mr J A Evans had not been notified to the membership 28 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting. In reply, MrTennant explained that the issue of age was not included within the constitution and rules of the club, however, it had been in place within the Committee Guidelines for a number of years. MrTennant added that the guide- line had been introduced to ensure that the General Committee had a method by which they could ensure a flow of new members.This had now been addressed in the approved amendments. MrTennant continued that the club were in receipt of legal advice and that the process they had followed had been correct. MrTennant clarified that, under the current rules, members were allowed to submit amendments to resolutions up to 14 days prior to the meeting, and in fact during the meeting if allowed by the members present.There was no requirement within the current rules to submit resolutions to the membership 28 days before an AGM. This was one of the areas that had been tidied up under the new proposed rules to ensure that sufficient time was allowed for such proposals, so they could be circulated to members in a timely fashion moving forward. Mr J A Evans proposed three amendments to the Club Rules, the details of which had been circulated in writing to all members present. He spoke to the meeting on his proposals. MrTennant wished to comment on the second proposal as he believed the suggested amendment might, in certain circumstances, prevent the committee from fulfilling its role by preventing decision making in unforeseen circumstances. The first two proposed amendments were rejected by the members present. Mr Evans proposed a further change to the Club Rules mandating that a display board be positioned at Trent Bridge providing names and photographs of all members of the General Committee and the Club President. MrTennant supported the view, Ms D Peasey stated her belief that such a display was essential and the members present voted in favour.
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