NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2020 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 44 M I NU T E S O F T H E ANNUAL GENERAL MEET ING Held in the Assembly Hall, County Hall, on Monday 24 February 2020 Present: Mr RWTennant (Chairman), Members of the General Committee, Ms L J Pursehouse MBE (Chief Executive), Members of Staff and 232 Members. At the commencement of the meeting, MrWTaylor, President of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club, asked those members present to stand for a minute’s silence in memory of Mrs G Beal, Mr A Beasley, Mrs M E Beasley, Mr D Bombroffe, Mr J Bond, Mrs P Bracken, Mrs S Buttery, Mrs G Casey, MrW Catlow, Mr D Corns, Dr G Davidson, Mr P Dawson, Mr J D Ellsey, Mr N Fookes, Mr CW Gillott, Mr R Green, Mrs N E Groome, Mr P Groome, Mr M J Hall, Mr P Hardwick, Mrs M Head, Mr P B Jowett, Mr D Lee, Mr C Lindley, Mr D Markham, Mrs P Molyneux, Mr M E Murphy, Mrs P P Pearson, Mr R Pindar, Mrs M Smith, Mrs I Stuckey, Mr KTaylor, Mr G LWatkins and Mr RWynniatt-Husey. The President welcomed to the meeting the members of the club, including HonoraryVice-Presidents: Cllr Kevin Rostance (Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council), Cllr Christine Jeffreys (Mayor of Rushcliffe Borough Council) and Cllr Rosemary Healy (Lord Mayor of Nottingham). 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mrs E Bakewell, MBE, Mr J B Bolus, Mr G Bradford, Mr N Bratton, Mrs J Bratton, Mr B C Broad, the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke, QC, CH, Ms C Coupe, Ms K A Davies, CBE, Mr S E Foster, Mrs K Foster, Mr T I Hepburn, Mr P Johnson, Mr R M Morris, Mr C MW Read, Mr RT Robinson and Mr K GWedgwood Litting. 2. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2019 MrTennant stated that a member, Mr J A Evans, had raised some queries as to the accuracy of the minutes. Mr Tennant explained that the minutes were not a verbatim account of every word or opinion spoken, but a concise record of the main points raised in the meeting and that he was satisfied the minutes were accurate. Mr Evans then spoke to the meeting detailing the matters which he believed had not been properly minuted. Firstly, he felt that his question relating to a sponsor was inaccurately minuted, as he was referring to the fall in their share price and this hadn’t been addressed. Ms Pursehouse answered that the share price had now recovered and repeated that they remained a valued sponsor of the club. Secondly, Mr Evans referred to an item under Proposed Amendments to the Constitution which named him incorrectly as the person asking the question. Mr Tennant accepted that the minute should be changed accordingly. A third point related to the additions to Freehold Property in the accounts and an amount of £390,000 which the Chief Executive had stated was an additional asset, paid for by an outside party, within the Radcliffe Road development. Mr Evans felt that the minutes hadn’t accurately expressed the way in which his concerns had been dealt with, including the fact that Ms Pursehouse would not give further information due to a confidentiality clause relevant to the asset. Mr N Crockford made a request for information regarding the terms under which the asset was brought into the accounts. Mr Tennant informed the meeting that the asset was funded entirely by the third party, was a positive addition and that the club faced no further liability regarding that aspect of the development. He reiterated that the club was unable to provide further details due to the confidentiality agreement. Mr Evans stated his belief that the AGM minutes should not be accepted as a true record. Another member, Mr J Chambers commented that a question he had raised at the 2019 AGM was absent from the minutes. The minutes were then proposed as a true and accurate record on the
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