39 FINANCIAL REPORT 2020 2019 £ £ Profit on ordinary activities before tax 167,025 20,631 Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19% (2019 - 19%) 31,735 3,920 Effects of: Expenses not deductible for tax purposes, other than goodwill amortisation and impairment 2,588 (1,910) Depreciation in excess of capital allowances 54,497 35,130 Grant income amortisation (51,490) (51,468) Adjustments to tax charge in respect of prior periods (21,558) - Other timing differences 68,538 39,991 Total tax charge for the year 84,310 25,663 8. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Freehold property Fixtures, Fittings, Plant, Equipment and Motor Vehicles Office equipment Total £ £ £ £ Cost At 1 October 2019 27,616,069 5,329,382 537,487 33,482,938 Additions 43,515 104,280 46,229 194,024 At 30 September 2020 27,659,584 5,433,662 583,716 33,676,962 Depreciation At 1 October 2019 5,356,936 4,357,663 456,704 10,171,303 Charge for the year on owned assets 434,247 240,530 33,907 708,684 Charge for the year on financed assets - 8,145 12,984 21,129 At 30 September 2020 5,791,183 4,606,338 503,595 10,901,116 Net book value At 30 September 2020 21,868,401 827,324 80,121 22,775,846 At 30 September 2019 22,259,133 971,719 80,783 23,311,635 Included within freehold property is land of £4,177,476 which is not depreciated. The value of Trent Bridge Cricket Ground (the freehold property) was valued by Charterfields Chartered Surveyors in July 2018 at £66,000,000 on a replacement cost basis.The asset is carried in the financial statements at historic cost. The net book value of assets held under finance leases or hire purchase contracts, included above, are as follows: 2020 2019 £ £ Office equipment 34,513 10,989 Fixtures, Fittings, Plant, Equipment and Motor Vehicles 19,192 27,337 53,705 38,326

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