NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2020 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 14 project, Positive Futures, has been secured until 2024, even in the light of the hit to public finances as a result of the pandemic, is testament to the importance and quality of our work in this area. What has been very clear throughout this year is the esteem in which the club is held by so many people, especially our members. In these difficult times, the fact that the vast majority were willing to donate their 2020 subscriptions and/or make voluntary donations provided a sig- nificant boost to our year-end result. The distribution of the Capped Member packs as a small gesture of our gratitude and thanks was met with such genuine warmth expressed through letters, emails, cards and photographs that it was overwhelming in the nicest possible way.You have our sincere thanks for the uplift they provided. Meanwhile, around half of those who purchased tickets for the international cricket that was sadly displaced fromTrent Bridge pledged their support to the club by opting to retain credit for our matches in 2021, rather than requesting a refund. This greatly assisted our cash flow as we awaited the delayed dates of our international fixtures for 2021, and was very much appreciated. Our commercial sponsors and partners not only renegotiated terms for 2020, but pledged their longer term sup- port to us by extending partnerships and committing to work with us to aid our recovery in the years ahead. The combination of measures and support outlined above means that, whilst the financial implications remain extremely difficult for us to manage, the situation in that regard is more hopeful than it might have been. That we are ultimately in a position to announce a small surplus is through the collective endeavours of everyone associated with the club; together we have safeguarded our business against significant damage in 2020. In the context of our five-year cycle, however, 2020 was expected to deliver a much larger surplus. Together with that of 2021, 2022 and 2024, it was very much part of the financial mitigation against the summers with noTest Match in 2019 and 2023. This shortfall of over £550k has created a substantial void that must be recovered over the next four years. The club’s response to the pandemic is not over and the wide-ranging work to grow our business operation, yet reduce our fixed costs in the short term, will continue for the foreseeable future. Whilst the forthcoming months remain uncertain on a number of fronts – and although it remains true that the financial implications are likely to affect us for years to come – thanks to your support, we feel in a better position to rebuild as a club with optimism and confidence. Hosting the openingTest of the flagship series of the summer between England and India, together with our first Vitality International T20 since 2012, means our interna- tional proposition this year is very strong. Our ability to welcome back members and supporters for domestic cricket and deliver matchday experiences of the highest standard will form an integral strand of our business recovery. Put simply, across all functions of our club and venue, a huge amount of hard work lies ahead to ensure we can remain a thriving county club and grow the game in Nottingham- shire. However, what we have experienced during this most extraordinary of years profoundly demonstrates that all of the required loyalty, commitment and determination is there for us to be able to bounce back and achieve those aims. Your support this year has been incredibly important and, as always, is very much appreciated. “WHAT HAS BEEN VERY CLEAR THROUGHOUTTHISYEAR IS THE ESTEEM INWHICH THE CLUB IS HELD BY SOMANY PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY OURMEMBERS.” Lisa Pursehouse
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