NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 2020 ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 12 As I write this report and reflect on the last 12 months, the enormity of the events we have lived through and experienced in 2020 cannot be overstated. An all-too-brief playing season was contained within what felt like the longest year. L I S A P U R S E HOU S E CHI EF EXECUT I VE’S REPORT “THE POSSIBILITYTHATWE MIGHT NOT EXTEND OUR USUALTRENT BRIDGE WELCOME TO ONE-AND-ALL WAS HARD TO ACKNOWLEDGE, BUT THE FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF SUCH AN OUTCOME WERE EVEN MORE DIFFICULTTO COMPREHEND.” Lisa Pursehouse At the 2020 AGM in February, our usual preparations for the new season were ongoing. Although the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic was only a matter of weeks away, we were, like so many others, oblivious to the seriousness of what was to follow. However, within six weeks, the potentially grave consequences of an indefinite lockdown were becoming more apparent. Each and every one of our com- mercial revenue streams was paused indefinitely, and the previously unthinkable scenario of a summer in which the gates of our venue remained closed to our members and the public was now a consideration. The possibility that we might not be able to extend our usual Trent Bridge welcome to one-and-all was hard to acknowledge, but the financial consequences of such an outcome were even more difficult to comprehend. A Covid-19 sub-group, made up of members of the General Committee and ExecutiveTeam, was created in the early days of lockdown and detailed financial models were built based on a number of scenarios. Between April and September, we had budgeted to generate income of £12m as we welcomed the return of Test cricket, a full domestic season and the launch of The Hundred. As the situation rapidly deteriorated, our operating losses for the financial year were in danger of approaching £4 million; a catastrophic scenario for our business not just for 2020 but also for the years ahead. A number of measures were implemented swiftly, designed to reduce our cost base and protect our cash flow.We also had to make the very difficult decision of implementing staff redundancies. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those staff affected for their hard work and past endeavours on behalf of the club. To say that 2020 was a difficult and testing year would be an understatement, but there have also been some incredibly positive achievements and uplifting moments that we should reflect on.
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